Developing elephant conservation action plan and strengthening elephant conservation initiatives focused on Khatta and Karnali forest corridors of Bardia, Nepal

Project Period: (2017 – 2020 Funding partner – USFWS)

Conserving large-ranging megaherbivores like wild elephants in a human-dominated landscape is a global challenge. Nepal harbors about 300 wild elephants and their number is constantly increasing for a decade. At the same time, with the continuous support from conservation partners and the local community, some of the degraded forest corridors have been well restored and are being used intensively by wild elephants, tigers, and rhinoceros. Khata and Karnali forest corridors of Bardia have become a very good example to highlight the success. These corridors connect Bardia NP of Nepal and Katerniaghat Wildlife Sanctuary of India. To save the wild elephants and other species we need continuous support and cooperation from people of Nepal and India.

The project is focused on strengthening community support on elephant conservation. On the other hand, 10 years elephant conservation action plan of Nepal (2008-2018) has to be revised and a new action plan for Nepal should be in place. The Jakarta declaration of elephant conservation 2017 has also emphasized the preparation of action plans and strengthen relationships with local and trans-border communities for the effective conservation of elephants. Therefore, this proposal is developed to strengthen the elephant conservation initiatives in Nepal.
Goals and Objectives

Revise the elephant conservation action plan (2008 – 2018) and develop a new elephant conservation action plan for Nepal.
Strengthen elephant conservation activities and cooperation between Nepal and India focused on Khata and Karnali forest corridors of western Terai.


1. Organize national and regional workshops for preparation of elephant conservation action plan

2. Preparation of a new elephant conservation action plan for Nepal and get approval from the government.

3. Organize cross border exposure visits to community conservation leaders of Nepal and India.

4. Organize local and national media workshops to convey HECx messages on broader communities.

5. Sensitization workshops for newly elected local government bodies

About Us

The Ujyalo Nepal (Bright Nepal in English) is a non-governmental, non-profit, grass-root level, and service-oriented organization established in 2008 by efforts of like-minded conservation-oriented and... Read More

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Address: Thakurbaba-1
